Promote, employ and maintain a high standard of integrity and professional ethics among our members in the operation of our apartment communities as owners, managers, and associate members doing business within the multi-housing industry;
Maintain and operate our apartment communities in accordance with fair and honorable standards of competition, ever mindful of the purposes of the CAA, and in compliance with the By-laws and Code of Regulations thereof: Members shall seek no unfair advantage over any other member of the CAA;
Refrain from attempting to obtain residents by means of deceptive, misleading or fraudulent statements, misrepresentations, or the use of implications unwarranted by fact or reasonable probability;
Seek to provide better values, so that an even greater share of the public may enjoy the many benefits of apartment living, and to strive for improved quality of life for apartment home residents;
Strive to promote the education and professionalism of the membership. Members of the CAA should willingly share the lessons of their experience and study with other members in order that the public be better served;
Members of the CAA should keep themselves informed on matters affecting the apartment industry, so that they may contribute responsibly to public thought on such matters and deal fairly and effectively with members of the apartment industry and residents of the apartment community;
Endeavor to expose all schemes designed to mislead or defraud the apartment residing public and to aid in the exposure of those responsible for such practices;
Keep informed of all laws and regulations regarding equal opportunity in the leasing of apartments and assist in keeping other members informed of all existing conditions and situations in the community with respect to equal opportunity in the leasing of apartments. Refrain from discouraging persons seeking assistance in leasing or renting apartments on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, or familial status, and service all people equally in the leasing of apartments;
Members of the CAA shall endeavor to provide a high level of competent service. Members shall not undertake to provide specialized or professional services that are outside their field of competence, unless members engage the assistance of one who is competent to provide such services;
The CAA Logo and other copyrighted publications are for use by members only and members agree that they shall not use the CAA Logo in any manner without using the phrase “Member Of” above or in conjunction with the logo.